After years of faithful service and a fairly respectable non-injury record, I’m finally closing the factory, AKA my Flash website. I wanted to do it much earlier, but luckily I was too busy with other jobs. (A problem to have, for sure.)
It was a labor of love as much as commerce. Starting with early mornings in the industrial area south of Seattle with a digital Nikon SLR, shooting concrete factories, cardboard manufacturing plants and any place that had the right industrial look or “cool ducting”. Next came the building of mega-layered Photoshop images of the fictitious ad factory. (Some had like, 25 layers. Ugh.) All the little details like making sure the light was coming from the same direction and doing more image outlining than I ever want to do again. I have to say, I still like the way the images turned out.
I have to give a major shout out to Randy Yount for really making my design come together in Flash and putting up with my micro-management. Hours working out miniscule timings of little flashing lights, transitions and the illusive “How the heck do you animate a smokestack that looks like it is actually producing steam?” I also have to thank the rest of the Clatter & Din crew for extra details like the great sound design. Kudos gents.
Even though it has closed its digital doors, it still lives on in a parallel universe. Okay, another area on this server.
If Steve Jobs hadn’t convinced you to completely abandon Flash and you still have it, you can see it here if you like.
You can take the factory tour here.
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